Interesting Links
A news article about the wonderful effects of bird song on the psyche. Apparently, a background of birdsong makes you happier, makes it easier to concentrate and makes you more confident.
Bird Forum
An interesting general birding site with various forums, equipment reviews, bird locations, a gallery of pictures and more.
Birding Pal
An interesting international site, it's purpose is to put people in contact to share their hobby of birdwatching .....and it covers the whole world!
British Garden Birds
An excellent website created by an amateur birdwatcher to share the experience of the birds that he has attracted to his Sheffield garden over the years. Contains excellent pictures of most garden visitors plus sound effects too.
British Trust for Ornithology
The BTO has existed since 1933 as an independent scientific research trust, investigating the populations, movement and ecology of wild birds in the British Isles.
Digital Wildlife
Excellent photos of all sorts of wildlife.
RSPB Images
This is a commercial library of wildlife photography - you can buy photos of the images.
They also offer - free - wonderful landscape backgrounds for use during Zoom Meetings!
You have to register and log on first, but they look wonderful.
Street End Feeds
A farm in Hamshire that produces and sells a huge range of wild bird food - much of it grown on their farm. Also bird feeding paraphernalia - and gift vouchers.
Brinvale Bird Foods
A wildlife focused farm that grows bird feeding seeds and manufactures its own bird feed.
All your bird feeding needs available from them online.
The Birdwatch Magazine
Some interesting articles to keep you up to date with the birding world.